A loved filled gaze

A young child grows to learn and love
Touching to feel and know
Sights, sounds and light from sun above
Help youth to adults go

With open mind and heart we share
Our gifts and love with all
No strange foreigner do we know
For all are friends to call

Yet somehow later on in life
Our minds are taught to hate
Some friends are good, and others not
Bias put in our pate

God made our hearts with love o’er flow
In every human space
No gender, race or creed should be
Denied by us, a place

Heart’s love and kindness freely given
Is how God made us be
Mindless bigotry, fear and hate
Clouds His truth to see

Conflicts come from lusts within
Showing the minds of them
Who judging think themselves the best,
While others live in ‘sin’.

Oh may our hearts, like Christ’s, live love
And tell our minds today
That love is love for humankind
No matter Bi, or Straight, or Gay

So, then like in our childhood days
Our friends are friends always
No war will mar our living ways
For love will fill our gaze


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