O God, Barn of our sheltering

O God, Barn of Our Sheltering

How worthy of our love,
So deserving of affection,
Thy nearest dwelling place,
O God, Barn of our Sheltering

Our souls do reach for Thee,
Heart, mind, and body,
Crying daily in driest lands
Passing through to Baca

Weary ones find strength in strength,
Drinking from rain filled pools,
And dwell neath Thy o’er shading calm,
Feeling Thee etern’ly good

O’er head the thatching of thy care
Doth shade from sun’s cruel heat
Upheld beneath by posts of prayer
The birds find beams of respite sweet

Thou hidest harvest’s plenty store
Of golden faith’s small grain
And plenteously rewardeth those
Who in thy courts remain

When harvest past and at the last
Our pilgrimage doth cease
May we sure find our comfort best
In Thy eternal peace

Inspired from Psalm 84


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