The Spark
Small and crisp, dry and clean
Twigs and sticks, stem and string
Fodder for a fire make
Room enough for flame to take
Roaring start and skyward aim
Up from this temporal plain
In human heart a thirst begins
To feel and know our origins
But more than these
Its reaching sees
The plan there was from ages past
Of making me and things that last
As sky and air and land and trees
Still sparkles fast that tiny start
Of flaming bright and thoughtful heart
A scratching inward and seeking out
To fine the Source, what life’s about
This tiny ember burns still bright
In each and every human life
That of God is what we seek
By Mose’s altar of penitence
And standing tall near Sinai’s ledge
Neath dreadful fury of Red Sea’s wave
On peaceful waters of Galilee
To know and feel, to hear and speak
Almighty One from Far and Nigh
Lift our hearts to you on high
Bring the wood for fire’s strength
Kindle anew the inward flame
Build us into a shining light
Beacon of Thee, for all in sight
An Ember Day meditation by Joseph Stalnaker Anno Domini MMXVI
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