Being a Means of Grace
Being a Means of Grace
There is a saying used by some that
says, “the End, justifies the Means”.
I do not know what all is meant by that
statement, especially as it is used in various situations, but if the End you
desire is- imparted grace towards another human being, then you being the
‘means’, by which that grace is imparted, seems very justifiable.
Jesus Christ, was sent by God the Father
of all Creation, into this world to be The Means of Grace to all who are lost
in sin and departed from the fellowship of God.
When he lay down his life sacrificially for all who believe in Him,
Jesus clearly passed on his work to those who followed after. “Go out into all the
world” was his disciple’s first commission, and ever since, recipients of his
grace, have been busy sharing that grace with others.
You might say, “well, what is grace?”
Simply put, it is unmerited favor.
Before you or I ever existed on this
planet, God humbled himself by putting on the bodily form of a human being, and
as His Son, Jesus Christ, walked and talked among us, living and dying for the
redemption of our sinful souls.
I think it would be a challenge for most
of us to be willing to die for someone we loved and knew. To be asked to die for someone we’ve never
seen or met, that would take a lot of ‘grace’.
Jesus Christ, through his word and his
spirit is challenging each of us every day to be the ‘vehicle’ by which
‘unmerited favor’ or ‘grace’ is bestowed to others. Sometimes, you might not even know who you
are bestowing grace upon. There may be
lives you touch on a daily basis or just once, that experience the love of
Christ and his favor, through your being the Means to that End.
So many are caught up with the sins of
hate, bigotry and prejudice towards people unlike themselves in some way or
another, that these individuals miss out on the true mission of Christianity in
being that means of God’s grace to others.
I do not merit favor from you or anyone, but I am thankful that God in
his supreme love and mercy has seen fit to grant His unmerited favor to each
and every one of his creations on this planet.
It is my hope and
prayer that everyone who believes in Jesus Christ and who appreciates his
sacrificial death for them, can learn to live by being a means of grace to
others. It may be smiling at that other
person you pass on the sidewalk,
It may be
visiting the sick or weak
It may be sitting
by that lonely person on the church pew by themselves,
It may be sending
an email or message to encourage someone weighed down by the struggles of this
It may be
reaching out to befriend someone different than yourself
It may be
actively participating in a group effort for a good cause, even if it wasn’t
designed or organized quite the way you wanted it to be
It may be humbly
submitting your ideas in order to help another’s succeed
Let all those who claim the name of
Jesus Christ, actively seek to show his grace towards others.
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