Gay Christians: Conservative or Liberal?
Gay Christians:
Conservative or Liberal?
In Christian religious circles of fellowship across the world, it seems
that lines of separation have been clearly drawn between being conservative or
liberal. Church denominations have been
divided into two opposing ‘camps’ and church leaders have enlisted the support
of church members to rally around their ‘banners’ in support of their
cause. Unfortunately, the definition of
being conservative and liberal has been specifically and uniquely defined as
being ‘pro-gay’ or ‘anti-gay’.
Having been raised in a conservative Christian fundamentalist
Preacher’s home, and then joining as an adult, by baptism and confession, an
Old Order church community, I think I know a little about what it means to be
‘Conservative’ Christian. At the age of
35, I finally came to terms with the reality of who I actually was a same-sex
attracted Gay man, and suddenly felt all too well, the ostracism and
segregation this new reality brought in my life as a conservative
Christian. In an effort for physical survival,
I reached out to ‘liberal’ Christians, who I knew would be welcoming and
affirming of gays, and sought refuge from the desperate situation I found
myself in, homeless, jobless and friendless.
Ironically, all the years of preaching I had heard against the ‘liberal,
so-called Christians’ was actually informative for me to know that I would be
welcomed amongst them.
Why is it that Christians must be divided so much? Why is it that a
person’s beliefs must be defined through this issue of being for or against
In the days when Jesus Christ walked the Earth, many religious people
accused him of being a liberal. Such
accusations of disregard for the tradition of the Elders, drinking and
feasting, and associating with unsavory company, were just some of the list of
things ‘conservative’ people disliked about Jesus. It is also interesting to note that some of
Jesus’ teachings did not sit well with ‘liberal’ minded religious people
either. Instead of going with the flow concerning the concept that he was
merely a man just like any other, he specifically revealed and identified
himself as being God, using the famed ‘I AM, that I AM’ which God, the Father,
used in Old Testament times. Moses had given bills of divorcement to the
children of Israel in an effort to resolve their marital conflicts. Jesus came down hard against this practice
when he preached that marriage was for life and unbreakable, when two people
were actually joined by God. He also
strongly taught his disciples, that he came to fulfill all the Law and
prophetic writings of Scripture. He advised his followers to do all that the
religious leaders of that day admonished them to do.
Somehow, Jesus managed to be accused by both camps of being either too
conservative or too liberal, without ever mentioning during his entire ministry
anything about gay people or homosexual attraction or sexual acts.
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