Living Simply

Living Simply
Living simply seems to me
The message of Christ’s ministry
Jesus as a servant came
Help and healing brought his fame
He unshod tread through Jacob’s land
Lending a kind and helping hand
To the maim and sick and blind
Bringing them towards God’s kingdom kind
Christ lived among us poor and alone
Yet wealth he had of worth unknown
Far greater is the treasure of
Spiritual wealth in Heav’n above
If we could but leave our pursuit of things
And praying let our spirits sing
Then we like Christ might work and do
To help and heal with spirits true
A shelter o’er our heads at night
Work for our hands while it is light
Food in our bellies at end of day
Gives strength and nourishment along our way
Beyond all these let Christ’s witness prove
A spiritual wealth’s more worthy trove
For Christians on their pilgrim way
Journeying simply towards golden day


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