Guidlines for Living-transposed from Amish handbook

Guidelines for Living
(transposed from ‘Rules of a Godly Life’)
I.                 Every day, prayerfully note all the wonderful works of God’s creation and governance of the Earth. 
II.               In the morning, at midday and at even, fall upon thy knees in thankfulness to thy Creator for the gift of that day, repenting and confessing any faults or sins and embracing God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ, His Son.
III.              Refrain from harmful or unclean thoughts that thy conduct, speech and manner of living might be kept pure and true before God.
IV.              In all thy dealings, be humble and honest, which is praiseworthy and reward enough.
V.               Be not overly concerned with what others may do and meddle not in the business of another.
VI.              Bear patiently all wrongs from the heart, and be not angered by them.
VII.            Silence thy heart before the presence of God and be patient in suffering, knowing that His grace can bear thee up and through any trial of life.
VIII.          Carry not envy or hatred towards another person but rather forgive, loving thy enemy, even as God for Jesus Christ’s sake, hath forgiven and loved thee.
IX.              Remember that we are all creatures of God’s making and should not rejoice in the calamity that befalls another.
X.                Be content and satisfied with whatever station thou art in, knowing that the grace of God blesseth thee with both suffering and prosperity in this life for thy good.
XI.              In all things, before thee begin something, be cautious and ponder what the outcome may be, considering this may be thy last act on Earth before appearing at the Judgment.
XII.            When faced with a matter requiring careful decision and thee knoweth not what to say, do or think, take at least one nights rest to ponder the issue before making it final.
XIII.           Make a habit of overcoming the least of thy faults so that thee can master the great ones as well.
XIV.           Be mindful of the four last things: the certainty of death; the prophesied Day of Judgment; the terrible existence of Hell; and the joyful reality of Heaven-spurring thy mind towards diligent and right living.
XV.            Make wise use of thy daily endeavours, reviewing each evening what thee has accomplished for good or ill that day.
XVI.           Think not less of godliness or righteous living if it is held in contempt or scorned by others, for numbers supporting a matter prove not its worth.
 “When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, …I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee…Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, …who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, …according to his own purpose and grace, …given us in Christ Jesus, …and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel: Hold fast the form of sound words, …in faith and love…that good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us.”  (Excerpts of Admonition of Apostle Paul to Timothy- II Tim. 1: 5-14)


  1. I came across the "Rules of a Godly Life" that is printed and currently distributed in English and German, and sold in most Amish bookstores. I was challenged by this list of things, and felt I should adapt them to my own life and experience. Over the years, some points have become less dogmatic for me than others, but still, many of these truths resound for guiding my life.


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