Being Gay and Amish
Being Gay and Amish
Though the Old Order Amish
church has historically maintained a strict difference between its cultural
religious society and the rest of the world, it members are created human
beings with all the same inherent traits of humans living in the larger
Social desires for love and
companionship and familial bonds are just as evident amongst Amish people as
they are in existence among Non-Amish people. Human character traits and
capacities for thought, work, learning, and achievement all exist along with
common human vices like greed, malice, ignorance and procrastination.
In North America, there is a
created sense of wonder and nostalgic euphoria regarding the Amish because of
their dress and manner of living connected with common ideals of family and
home life. This sense of wonder attracts outsiders to embrace the idea that the
Amish are somehow free of the maladies and distresses that have openly been
expressed by wars and economic failures in our larger society. The family
farming together, living close to the land, and operating on a slower speed of
travel within a local area, are all socially attractive ingredients which
contribute to this sense of wonder. Since the World Wars and the Great
Depression effectively changed many things in the larger culture, pushing women
into the workforce and causing mass migrations of people off farms and into the
city, the Amish are often seen as the last remnants of better days. Some even
would say that because of their austerity, they also have maintained a purity
from the ‘societal evils’ evident in our modern lifestyles. The music liberation and equality movements
of the Sixties and Seventies basically left the Amish untouched and therefore
It is true that due to the
many conservative and traditional standards of living upheld by the Amish,
their society has been able to persevere and continue largely unchanged from
the late 18th Century to the present. Agriculturally and economically, the Amish
have benefited from advancements in technology that they gradually embraced,
but they have certainly been selective and careful. Likewise, societal norms concerning
lifestyles, education, healthcare, insurance and occupations have also been
carefully adjusted to the times. Fewer
and fewer Amish men are able to maintain a living directly from farming, many
children attend public or private schooling and church districts and regions
pool finances for aiding members with large medical and insurance bills.
Relationship to members
within one’s local community is still the highest priority amongst members of
Old Order Amish congregations. Obeying
the order or Ordnung is simply the most obvious outward sign of that inner
submission to the will of the group.
Individualism expressed
openly in contradiction to this Order is still cause for separation and
Personal lifestyles are
traditionally formed along the ‘man meets girl, they get baptized, then married
and have children’ concept. For a young
man to have inward feelings contrary to this notion is totally unacceptable in
the eyes of the local congregation because it simply goes against the traditional
order. Biblical defense of the order
against same gender attraction is an evangelically influenced recent reaction.
In the past, men or women
with same gender attraction simply married and bore with their ‘temptations’
buried inside them personally rather than individually stand out.
Today, in the larger society
of ‘worldly English’ this coming ‘OUT’ individually from the traditional
understanding has been increasingly evident.
Same gender attraction is not something new or the product of a perverse
society converting people. People are
coming out individually demonstrating their honest same gender identity because
society has encouraged individual liberty of conscience. As the Old Order Amish
continue to adapt their lives to influences surrounding them, they will
hopefully also be able to embrace enough liberty of conscience to allow for
same gender attraction amongst them.
That day has yet to come and
is not now, so for any and all Amish people with same gender attraction, they
have two choices.
1. Recognize their natural
and personal attraction to same gender people and choose not to join the church
with its prescribed heterosexual order of marriage.
2. Join the church, remaining
closeted about their honest self and either remain unmarried or marry with
themselves deeply buried inside their person, outwardly submitting to the
Due to the predominantly
segregated manner of living amongst Amish people, men usually participate
socially with other men, and women with other women. The traditional taboos concerning sexuality
for anything other than procreation cause this segregation in almost all areas
of life. Sitting at a dinner table,
sitting in worship, standing in line at a potluck, working together, playing
Croquet together, singing together and socializing casually are all done in
very segregated ways compared to most of these activities as done in the larger
society. This is particularly enabling
for someone of same gender attraction because they are mostly with who they are
comfortable with. Due to this fact, I
believe it is certainly possible for a same gender attracted person or ‘Gay
Amish’ to grow up and remain fairly comfortable until the age of marriage.
Unfortunately, due to the
continued insistence upon strictly man and woman marriage, Old Order Amish
members are not at liberty to proclaim or live out a same gender attraction
openly. To say that there are no ‘Gay
Amish’ would certainly be an error due to proven statistics concerning human
characteristics. For Amish parents who
become aware of their child’s sexual orientation, the best thing they could do
for them is to support and encourage them to deal honestly and openly before
God and make the appropriate choice for their life before committing to
marriage and the Order of the Church.
God doesn’t make any junk and
our sexual attraction is an inherent characteristic of our individual person as
a gift from God. No one tells another
who they love or don’t love, it just is in you to love whom you love. Men do not learn to be attracted to women,
they just are or they’re not. Women do
not become attracted to men, they just are or they are not. People can learn and be told whom they marry,
but years of evidence prove what becomes of those type of relationships. God is Love and when we are truly open to his
leading in our life, then we can truly love another person as we should. Who are we to judge another persons capacity
for love?
Being Amish and Gay also
requires a certain dealing with and coming to grips with terminology. So many people, especially conservative
Christians automatically connect being ‘Gay’ with being ‘promiscuous, unruly,
effeminate and sexually divergent’ people.
It is important to understand
that these characteristics are specifically personified onto the ‘Gay’ label by
prejudiced haters of same gender attracted people. Truly, there are many people who live and
commit acts which fit this description, but those acts do not make them ‘Gay’
for doing them, because many ‘straight, heterosexually identified’ people
commit such things regularly. The term
‘Gay’ originally meant ‘happy and free’.
Today, it is broadly applied
to those members of society with same gender attraction who may express their
identity ‘happily and freely’. When a
couple of young girls publicly kiss one another in the company of their school
friends, they are labeled as ‘Gay’. When
two men walk hand in hand down the boardwalk along a public beach, they are
labeled ‘Gay’.
Amongst same gender attracted
people, being ‘Gay’ simply refers to one having same gender attraction, but
does not specifically judge or classify that person to any specific list of
actions, dress, occupations, clothing, hairstyles, colors or musical
tastes. These stereotypical associations
are based on generalizations that are certainly not all encompassing of everyone
who has same gender attraction. Certainly
amongst Amish conservative and traditionalist society, many of the common ‘Gay’
things are not even known or participated in.
An Amishman with same gender attraction will most probably look and act
just like his fellow ‘straight’ Amishmen.
Being Gay and Amish is not
defined by whether a man is more feminine or a woman more masculine. It is not defined by whether a man shows the
‘typical’ signs of being ‘Gay’ like what is often stereotypical in the larger society.
A person is Gay if they have
same gender attraction, regardless of what religious or social connections they
have been brought up living in.
Another area of challenge for
someone who is Gay and Amish, is the issue of religious belief and
fellowship. Unfortunately, due to the
strong prejudice amongst conservative Church people, being openly gay bars one
from continued fellowship with them.
Finding an affirming church that recognizes a same gender attracted
person as being legitimately Christian still, is very hard to find amongst
Conservative Christian fellowships. Many
liberal Christians have seen through the prejudice against Gay peoples and have
embraced them openly, but for an Amishman to find comfortable worship there, he
must participate in many unfamiliar worship practices. Many modern and liberal
Christians would automatically assume that if a person is gay and desiring to
be in church, then they must obviously be in harmony with liturgical worship
concepts, women in ministry and having uncovered heads, multiple bible
versions, instrumental music, casual dress and modesty standards, higher
education, differing occupations and entertainments, ornamented living, and
alcoholic consumption. These departures
from traditional Christian principles are not necessarily automatic with being
openly gay. For someone Gay and Amish,
these issues of faith and practice must individually be deciphered. In a real sense, departing from the Old Order
community of faith to live an openly gay life and yet still maintain a
Christian consciousness will require many spiritual and religious practices to
be individually interpreted. If an Amishman or Amishwoman who is gay,
determines to live a celibate life, it may be possible to remain single and
continue within the Order of the Church.
This is a personal sacrifice one must truly be convinced of doing.
Ironically, there have been
many openly Gay people from the larger society, who for various reasons, have
been attracted to and attempted to live within the confines of Old Order
society. Many times these efforts have
been successful for periods of time, but those individuals often continue to
struggle with understanding how to balance their honest and personal identity
within the controlling aspect of community order.
In recent years, some plain
dressing Conservative Friends (Quakers) have become more welcoming to openly
gay people who share a conservative Christian faith and desire to live
Overall, for someone to be
Gay and Amish, they must simply recognize their personal and individual value
as someone created by God, given the ability to love, naturally knowing that
their attraction to the same gender is how they were born. Then, they must choose to either embrace
these facts through living and sharing their love with another, or continue to
refrain from acknowledging something which differs from the community Ordnung
and consciousness. It is our hope that
any and all who desire to deal with this issue of being Gay and Amish in their
lives would find the grace and strength to be honest with themselves before God
and choose to live healthily and happily.
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